Have You Ever Noticed…

Have You Ever Noticed…

Have you ever noticed how some people seem to have a continuous stream of drama happening in their lives? You know the ones … they lose their keys on a regular basis. They can’t get their computer to work. They always seem to be seated at a table with people they...
I’m Not Doing Enough!!!

I’m Not Doing Enough!!!

I’ve got to figure things out… Am I doing this right? Do I need to belong to more networking groups? Maybe I need to sign up for this program… What am I going to do with all those business cards I collected? I have that letter to write and then that call to make and I...
How Balanced Are You?

How Balanced Are You?

As you head into the New Year, do you think about the balance within yourself and the life you are living? Do you treat your body well? Do you exercise it regularly? Do you care for it in terms of the food you eat and the liquids you drink? Do you get enough sleep? Do...
Take Back Control of YOU

Take Back Control of YOU

When was the last time you said no? We all know somebody in our lives who lives to satisfy others – or perhaps it’s you who is the pleaser. A pleaser is somebody who lives to satisfy other people’s needs while their own needs take a back seat. They consistently...
Three Ways to Become More Self Aware

Three Ways to Become More Self Aware

Most people I know are on some type of journey to become more self aware. They seek to understand and evolve their personal behavior in some way and are often looking for guidance on how to do this. I have put together a list of three: Always operate from the...