Your business is part of your story as well its own story, and your mind is the author. Mindful Change™ gives you the knowledge, tools, and path to create the reality you want for your business. 

Who it’s for

The Mindful Change Process is ideal for anyone looking for real change. It’s an awesome match if you’re the type of person who:

  • Knows your business can accomplish much more than it is today
  • Wants to bring your spiritual reality into your business, in practical ways
  • Knows that using your mind wisely is KEY to your business’s performance
  • Is ready to ask yourself difficult questions about the role you play in the success (or lack of) in your business
  • Is curious about the mind, how it works, and how to make it work better
  • Believes that ABUNDANCE and success can be achieved joyfully

“A single session with Heather transformed my attitude towards work and helped me take my company from near-death to our best year yet in terms of sales and profits. AND she made ‘work’ fun again.”

Ryan Murdock

online business owner and travel writer,


What you can accomplish

The process can create immediate and long-lasting results, whether you feel “stuck”, want to move beyond perceived limits, or want to optimize your business’ performance.

These are concerns that the Mindful Change Process routinely addresses in business owners and leaders:

Self-esteem and self-empowerment.

Get in the driver’s seat of your business! Expand your self-trust, personal power, and self-confidence. Eliminate indecision, procrastination, avoidance, and withdrawal.

Unwanted patterns

Remove frustrating and limiting patterns from your mind and your business. Attract better customers and get into “flow” at work. Eliminate unwanted personalities that hold the business back, resolve recurring financial challenges.

Financial issues

Reverse financial under-performance and break through perceived financial ceilings.

Interpersonal conflict

Attract more of the right type of employees and customers – the ones who will help the business flourish. Reduce or eliminate interpersonal conflicts among staff, between partners, and with customers.

Limiting beliefs

Eliminate any chronic fears, phobias, guilt, and shame that hold you back from allowing your business to be the great success it wants to be.

Creative blocks

Overcome procrastination, perfectionism, and the limiting mindsets that prevent creativity from flowing freely in your business.

“You are consciously aware of only five to eight percent of your mind – but that means you’re likely unaware of 92-95% of the script that creates your life! Learning to access, influence and shape the part you aren’t aware of is what Mindful Change™ is about.”

Heather Elliott

Leader, Mindful Change™


What to expect

Your Mindful Change Process will be completely unique to you – the science and system behind it are the foundation.

You’ll experience the day-long session either in person or by video conference. This is what you can expect:

  1. Schedule your Mindful Change Process session
  2. Complete an intake form at least one week prior to your session
  3. Experience the day-long process (6-8 hours) in either one session or two half-day sessions
  4. Receive a written review of your session for future reference
  5. A follow-up coaching session 6 weeks after the day-long process

During the session, you will be guided to explore your beliefs you’ve formed based on the people and experiences in your life. These experiences have shaped who you are, your role in life, your value in the world, and the level of success you’re comfortable with. You’ll learn why you formed those beliefs and how they affect your world today.

You’ll then peel back the layers of this conditioning to expose the truth of who you have always been. Contained within that truth will be a new set of beliefs and a new story for the business you dream of, casting aside all limiting beliefs. You’ll also connect with new behaviors and ways of being that free you to create the business or professional life you want.

You spend 75% of your time on your business

There’s no reason to spend another minute of it living with beliefs, blocks, and pain that hold you back from allowing your business to reach its potential. Every entrepreneur exists to share in abundance, and Mindful Change exists to connect you to that purpose.
Mindful Change will introduce you to the powerful business-creator you are, and will teach you to unlock, examine, and rewrite the stories that are the blueprints of your self and your business.