At Mindful Change™, we care a lot about clarity. This glossary will help orient you to the language we use to speak about our work.


Example uses: to come from abundance, to live abundantly, to live an abundant life, to create an abundant business

Abundance is a law of true human nature. It states that nothing is denied to us and there is no experience that we cannot have. Our perceptions of scarcity, fear, and limitation are learned; these are not natural.

Brain (left & right)

Example uses: he’s extremely right-brained; I have trouble understanding left-brained thinkers; she’s coming from her left brain right now

The brain is the physical organ that receives consciousness. Consciousness and the body meet each other in the brain.

The brain has two hemispheres, each specializing in certain functions.

The left side is responsible for linear, logical thought. It organizes reality around rules and principles. It relies on physical senses and quantitative information.

The right side is creative and non-linear. It processes the past, present, and future and is capable of “seeing” beyond normal sensory input. Right-brain thinking is often called intuition because it can guide a person to do things or make decisions based on things on does not experience physically, yet “knows” to be right.


Ego is your personal identity associated with your physical being. Self esteem and self-worth are derived from your body: what you have, what you do, and who you are in the world. The ego sees itself as separate from the world and others within it. Its focus is its own survival and success.


Example uses: to be heart-centred; to move from the heart; to live from the heart

The heart is a physical organ in the body. We use this word metaphorically to refer to unconditional love. Unconditional love is a state of being in which one’s choices and actions are taken because they are the best for all concerned in any given situation.


Example uses: I was inspired to reach out to Adam for his expertise on this problem

Inspiration is an idea characterized by an uplifting feeling like joyfulness, coupled with the sense that you must take a specific action. It is effortless and natural, usually accompanied by clarity and certainty that the idea is right. Inspiration is sanctioned by higher self and is heart-centred.


Example uses: Your life is a three-dimensional representation of your mind

An entity that is the result of consciousness in the brain. The mind holds all the thoughts – conscious and unconscious – that make up the world as one experiences it. It contains all the experiences and beliefs that one acquires in life and through the lives of other generations and people who came before.

For each potential life outside the story one is currently living, there is a separate mind. Mindful Change™ helps individuals to access the mind of a potential life and thereby change their reality.


Consciousness is a state of being aware of one’s surroundings, the mind, and the world. Consciousness requires a spirit interacting with a physical body.


The rate of vibration of your body or your thoughts. Just as a tuning fork has different frequencies, our thoughts, words, and deeds also have different frequencies. As we evolve, we move into higher-frequency ways of speaking, thinking, and acting.

Higher self

Example uses: I consulted with my higher self before making this decision; I’m trying to connect with my higher self

The aspect of self that is anchored in an unconditionally loving consciousness. Higher self is also the future self – the potential one holds to be the most loving, abundant, and spiritual being. Higher self is accessible through journaling, meditation, internal conversations, and other Mindful Change™ tools and techniques.


Example uses: my intuition is telling me that this person is good for me; I made an intuitive decision to take this job

Intuition is a hunch, or an inspired conscious thought. Some people call it their “spidey sense”. Intuition can take the form of knowledge about a future event, person, or decision. It is characterized by confidence and clarity – the thought is not frightening. Intuition is like a muscle – it grows stronger with use.


Example uses: I want to change my mindset; she doesn’t have a success mindset

A perspective – a filter or a lens – that determines how one behaves and interpret the world. For example, a “money mindset” is a collection of thoughts about money. A “success mindset” is a collection of beliefs, attitudes, and behaviours about success.

A mindset is subjective – it is created by the individual and what they believe. Often a mindset is acquired from the beliefs held by others close to us.


Example uses: Our spiritual body is the light body; When we are focused on love, spiritual beings surround us and support us in our daily lives.

Spirit is a version of one’s self that inhabits a different plane of existence than the physical body and soul. Spirit is often associated with God; it is an entity we feel separate from.

The frequency of one’s consciousness determines one’s plane of existence. Spirit exists in a higher frequency, where the rules of existence are different from what they are on Earth.


Example uses: The eyes are the window to the soul; he/she is an old soul.

Our soul is a recording tool that documents the wisdom and truth we have collected from many lifetimes. It is physically embodied in our corporeal bodies, and moves with us from lifetime to lifetime, from body to body.