The Value of Making Mistakes

The Value of Making Mistakes

I’m going to tell you the story of Kathleen – she is not real, but she represents a typical child’s experience in school and how it shapes our thinking. Beginning in Jr. Kindergarten, Kathleen is evaluated. Her teacher comments to her parents about the things Kathy...
It Pays to Remain Calm

It Pays to Remain Calm

This week I’m being challenged by a principle I understand and use all of the time – the fact that if it’s in my life, I have somehow invited it there. For the most part, my life is a great place to be. I realize that I have been responsible for making it that way....
The Trauma of Toilet Training

The Trauma of Toilet Training

My mother would best describe me as a ‘stubborn’ child. When I was growing up, this was not a good thing… When she was trying to toilet train me, apparently I was slow to learn. This was a story she used to tell me because I remembered nothing about the actual event....