Empathy With a Twist

Empathy With a Twist

“Look at the shoes of the people around you – ones you love and ones you don’t know. Take a moment and step into them. Imagine their experience, their struggles, their hopes and dreams…Don’t judge them – wish them well, wish them...
Workplace Woes

Workplace Woes

I have a client you might relate to. When I met Sam, she was constantly at odds with her boss and the people she worked with because nothing was ever “right” and no one seemed to be working with her. As a result, she wasn’t very happy or hopeful about her position...
Say What?

Say What?

Have you ever thought about how much you talk to yourself? It’s not necessarily the “out loud” kind of talking, but you “talk” to yourself more than anyone else. You probably don’t pay conscious attention to what you say or think, but have a nearly constant dialogue...