How to Practice Love

How to Practice Love

Maybe you’ve caught yourself flipping off another driver. Maybe you worry that you yell at your kids too much. Or maybe you watch the news and simply want to add more love to the world as a counter to the hate and destruction that is reported each day. Regardless of...
When You Keep Wondering If You Should

When You Keep Wondering If You Should

Should I stay or should I go? Should I take this job? Should I quit my job? Should I use this marketing idea or that business strategy? If you’ve found yourself asking a ‘should’ question, you’re probably facing a big decision, pursuing a dream that fills your heart...
Leave Behind the Daily Grind

Leave Behind the Daily Grind

Do you ever get tired of doing all the things you have to do to make a living and move toward your goals? There’s a reason someone came up with the phrase “the daily grind.” However, life doesn’t have to be a grind. You can feel alive, live with purpose, know you have...
The Drama Victim, Part 2

The Drama Victim, Part 2

We’ve been talking about drama and giving tips to help you stop and avoid it. You can see the rest of the series The Drama Sutra and The Drama Victim Part 1. Type 2: The Person Who Is Bored Without the Stimulation of Drama The mental program for this type of drama...
The Drama Sutra

The Drama Sutra

Juicy secrets, high emotions, lots of energy, and time-consuming antics are the basic components of drama. It’s anything but boring, and the digital world knows it. Marketers use drama to make millions and billions of dollars. But in real life, drama wears you down...