Do You Want To Play Bigger In Life?

Do You Want To Play Bigger In Life?

We talk a lot about issues or problems that are blocking our lives, but the Mindful Change process is about more than that. It’s about abundance, love, happiness, being challenged to bring out the absolute best in you, and really living life. Sometimes things are good...


Humility is something best served up cold, in large enough doses that it gets our attention, regularly enough to have an impact on our lives. Last week I got a huge serving of it – a much needed serving, I might add. It was a reminder to me to be in charge of my...
Creating a New Mindset

Creating a New Mindset

When I was at my business school meeting 2 weeks ago, I made a commitment to achieve 3 specific things before we reconvene in September. Making a commitment to these outcomes really made a shift in how I saw things. I realized that I needed to do things differently. I...