We talk a lot about issues or problems that are blocking our lives, but the Mindful Change process is about more than that.

It’s about abundance, love, happiness, being challenged to bring out the absolute best in you, and really living life.

Sometimes things are good and you just want to play bigger. I know that’s true for me! (I’m challenging myself right now by writing a book!)

But where do you start when you want to play bigger?

First, it starts with building a solid foundation for abundance. That’s great news for you because that’s what we do with the Mindful Change process!

We build an abundance foundation of self-worth, self-respect, personal confidence, personal security, self-love, and a feeling of competence. And along the way, we remove limiting fears, beliefs, attitudes, and expectations around money and what you can achieve in life.

Playing a bigger game begins with dreaming a bigger dream — one that is a little scary — that’s just outside of your comfort zone.

What separates playing bigger from just dreaming bigger is your commitment to take action on it. You make it REAL. You COMMIT to it!

It’s a different energy because committing means creating a plan and taking action.

So what is that slightly scarier goal that you’re willing to commit to? And what are the steps you need to commit to in order to make that happen?

Do you have an idea but you aren’t sure if you can pull it off? Get in touch with me at heather@mindfulchange.com or call me at 613.601.1083, and we’ll set up a 30-minute discovery session to make sure your abundance foundation is solidly in place.

Once you have a bigger dream plan, share it with a supportive friend. In fact, share this entire email with them so that both of you can play bigger!

Like this week’s quote says:

“If you do things well, do them better.
Be daring, be first, be different, be just.”

~Anita Roddick