Better Than Meditation

Better Than Meditation

Mindfulness isn’t just about meditating and quieting your internal chatter. There’s definitely a lot of value in meditation; I have heard clients say that it has changed their life. But what happens when you leave your quiet place and go back into the chaos of life?...
Flipping Failure

Flipping Failure

Earlier this year I went on a 7-day cruise. As you can imagine, I was looking forward to some sun, fun, and adventure. Who doesn’t love being in a tropical paradise? So, when I woke up the day of the trip and didn’t feel good, I hoped it would pass quickly. It didn’t....
If There Were No Obstacles

If There Were No Obstacles

Let’s play a game, okay? I’ll ask questions and you give answers. It can be the first thing that pops into your head or you can take time to think about it. If you could be anyone, who would you be? That’s a fun question, and it’s always interesting to hear the...