Meditation and Mindfulness Simplified

Meditation and Mindfulness Simplified

You might have heard about the school in Baltimore, Maryland that replaced detention with meditation and mindfulness practices. The kids in the program are making more positive choices, having greater success in school and, best of all, they’re happier. Plus, there...
Can Mindfulness Get Rid of Pain?

Can Mindfulness Get Rid of Pain?

If you’re like 8 out of 10 Americans, you’ll deal with lower back pain one or more times in your life. It’s a common problem that can be disabling and finding relief through a treatment that works is often challenging. What’s It Feel Like? I’ve been fortunate to avoid...
Making My Conference Spectacular

Making My Conference Spectacular

Before starting my day, going to an event, or working with a client I always spend some time creating in my mind a vision of how I desire to experience it. Visualizations are a truly amazingly effective tool at changing your life – you just need to believe that they...
Creating My Day

Creating My Day

This morning was a challenging morning – lots on the go, lots to accomplish in order to be fully prepared for this week’s training program for students who are learning to do what I do – Transform Limiting Beliefs (TLB). I’m a bit of a...