Finding Meaning

Finding Meaning

“The Bushmen in the Kalahari Desert talk about the two “hungers”. There is the Great Hunger and there is the Little Hunger. The Little Hunger wants food for the belly; but the Great Hunger, the greatest hunger of all, is the hunger for meaning…”...
Dealing With Disappointment

Dealing With Disappointment

The experience of stepping forward, suddenly realizing the floor is lower than you expected, and having to scramble to rebalance before you fall is a good analogy for what it’s emotionally like to feel a sharp sense of disappointment. We all know how uncomfortable it...
A Leader’s Most Important Skill

A Leader’s Most Important Skill

Say the word ‘leader,’ and most people picture an assertive individual giving instruction, taking charge, and providing direction. In other words, they picture someone talking. Other people will picture someone who listens, thinks deeply, and then offers guidance or...