The Excitement of Not Knowing

The Excitement of Not Knowing

Many of us have been conditioned to always want to be in control of our lives – to always know what is around the corner and to be able to predict with accuracy what our next year will look like. We fly into a panicked state when we are not in this state of control...
Creating My Day

Creating My Day

This morning was a challenging morning – lots on the go, lots to accomplish in order to be fully prepared for this week’s training program for students who are learning to do what I do – Transform Limiting Beliefs (TLB). I’m a bit of a...
Three Ways to Become More Self Aware

Three Ways to Become More Self Aware

Most people I know are on some type of journey to become more self aware. They seek to understand and evolve their personal behavior in some way and are often looking for guidance on how to do this. I have put together a list of three: Always operate from the...
Five Characteristics of a Mindful Person

Five Characteristics of a Mindful Person

Being mindful is a verb. It is the act of paying attention to what you are doing, thinking, feeling and saying. Life is ultimately a choice and every choice you make affects the life you experience. When you learn to check your motivation behind everything you do, you...