

Humility is something best served up cold, in large enough doses that it gets our attention, regularly enough to have an impact on our lives. Last week I got a huge serving of it – a much needed serving, I might add. It was a reminder to me to be in charge of my...
Life As a House

Life As a House

Have you seen this movie ‘Life As a House’ with Kevin Kline? My husband and I watched it last night for the 3rd time. It is one of those films that you don’t mind seeing many times because it has so much heart. It’s about a man (Kevin Kline), diagnosed...
Creating a New Mindset

Creating a New Mindset

When I was at my business school meeting 2 weeks ago, I made a commitment to achieve 3 specific things before we reconvene in September. Making a commitment to these outcomes really made a shift in how I saw things. I realized that I needed to do things differently. I...