Dreaming Your Dream for 2014

Dreaming Your Dream for 2014

January is a beginning for many people. It’s the start of a new year and an opportunity to create and experience more. Taking the time to prepare for your year is so important. You have likely made New Year’s resolutions in the past but becoming an active and...
Take Back Control of YOU

Take Back Control of YOU

When was the last time you said no? We all know somebody in our lives who lives to satisfy others – or perhaps it’s you who is the pleaser. A pleaser is somebody who lives to satisfy other people’s needs while their own needs take a back seat. They consistently...
Creating My Day

Creating My Day

This morning was a challenging morning – lots on the go, lots to accomplish in order to be fully prepared for this week’s training program for students who are learning to do what I do – Transform Limiting Beliefs (TLB). I’m a bit of a...