We’ve all heard the saying, “Keep your business and personal life separate.”

It sounds simple enough, right? But in reality, it’s impossible to separate your business and personal life.

How you feel about yourself affects your ENTIRE life…relationships, money, job, business, etc.

You can’t separate the two, but you can make changes that will result in improvements.

Let me tell you a story about Ron (name changed).

Ron made two appointments for a Mindful Change process because he wanted to work on his marriage and his business. Both were struggling, but he thought they were completely unrelated.

He felt like his marriage was probably over and he thought he might need to leave his company because he and his partner were working so poorly together.

The problems showing up in Ron’s life made it clear that the root cause was actually beliefs he held about himself. We addressed these beliefs in our sessions and his results were exceptional.

Not only did Ron become a better husband to his wife and begin to build a better relationship with her after his Mindful Change sessions, he built a better relationship with his business partner.

In the process of developing a better relationship with his biz partner, they started working better together. It’s no surprise that a year later, their business is doing well…REALLY well — they’re launching new products, have lost the tension that used to exist between them, Ron speaks up when he needs to, and they’ve had their most profitable year ever.

You see, every facet of your life is a reflection of your mind. Your mind holds beliefs, thoughts, and emotions that are typically deeply unconscious, but they form every relationship and experience in your life!

You might not consciously know what you’re thinking, but your life never lies. If you think your life needs to change, the only thing you can work on, that will have lasting results, is your mind. If your life feels stuck, yucky, or simply isn’t working the way you want, finding and updating beliefs formed in childhood that no longer work for you is the solution you need.

“Desire is a teacher: When we immerse ourselves in it without guilt, shame, or clinging, it can show us something special about our own minds that allows us to embrace life fully.”
~Mark Epstein