When a Relationship Goes Off the Rails

When a Relationship Goes Off the Rails

Any relationship can go off the rails sometimes. If you’re with someone long enough, there will be ups and downs, times you disagree, times you are closer than you ever imagined, and times of experiencing growing pains. If your relationship isn’t currently in a...
Why Forgiveness Is Powerful

Why Forgiveness Is Powerful

Forgiveness is hard. You want to be angry, and the person you’re angry at deserves it. There’s no way to undo the damage they did, and you still feel the pain. So, why should you bother with forgiving them? The biggest reason is that until you forgive, you mentally...
Empathy With a Twist

Empathy With a Twist

“Look at the shoes of the people around you – ones you love and ones you don’t know. Take a moment and step into them. Imagine their experience, their struggles, their hopes and dreams…Don’t judge them – wish them well, wish them...
What is Love?

What is Love?

Have you ever misunderstood someone? Have you ever reacted to something another person said or did? Have you ever judged another person before checking out whether you actually knew the truth? This week’s mindfulness tip is about the necessity to NOT react....