I’d like to talk about money this week – something many of us wish we had more of.

You use money to pay bills, buy clothes, rent or pay for your home and its furnishings, eat, vacation, socialize, experience entertainment, buy gifts, pay for medical and wellness care, and for fun things.

I think we can all agree that money is useful. So, why do some people struggle with money while others don’t?

The reason is probably not what you think it is.

Most money issues are caused by an unwritten set of rules in a person’s subconscious. It’s bad enough that the rules are unwritten, but they’re also different for each person. That seems pretty unfair, doesn’t it?

If you wish you had more money, I’ve got good news for you, though! You can rewrite the rules that have been keeping you capped.

You see, we all grow up with ideas about money that our parents and those we spend significant time with pass on to us. Sometimes we follow their lead exactly, and other times we vow to be nothing like them.

Either way, the money rules most of us follow were created while we were kids – still more full of emotion than logic – and we feel very strongly about them at a deep, unconscious, and intense level.

That makes it harder to question money beliefs than other things we learned as kids.

You might be tempted to think, “Heather, that can’t be true. Money is about quantity, not unwritten rules!”

Money is not always a quantity issue; it can be held in place by the background story you tell yourself and the barrier that comes from your past and how you were raised.
One of the common issues that lie behind limitation is unworthiness and low self-esteem which makes us feel, deep down, as if we don’t deserve to be happy. Money is a factor in being happy so on some level we sabotage our own success because we don’t truly believe we deserve.

Sounds incredible, right? Not at all – it is more common than you think!
Another way we limit ourselves is by deeply rooted beliefs that say we are stupid, we’ll never amount to anything, we’re a loser and a failure. You would be absolutely surprised how many people learned these types of beliefs in childhood as a result of a bad experience in school, bullying and teasing, or from parents who said things that wounded deeply.

Last, we have all sorts of money rules and beliefs, all on their own, that shape how we approach money. Who of you were told ‘money doesn’t grow on trees!’ That was a favorite of my mother. I was also taught that I had to work hard for my money and I shouldn’t spend it foolishly. So when I first started to earn money, I worked hard. In fact, I didn’t know how to take time down or how to have fun – I was so serious!!! And I didn’t spend any of it on me… you see the problem, I’m sure.

Whatever you believe affects how you think, what you say, and how you act. And, invariably, these limiting beliefs make their way into your world – silently, but with incredible power to shape your world.

So does that mean you’ll never get beyond your current level? No, but it does mean that you may need a little help. And that is where Mindful Change comes in.

If you don’t have the kind of money you want, it’s time to figure out your unwritten rules and beliefs and rewrite them so that they help you live the life you want instead of limiting your potential.

Maybe your rules and beliefs are all okay and you’re doing great with money. That’s fantastic! But given the number of clients I have that do have money issues, I’m sure that someone you know is struggling. Please send the link to this post to them so they can stop living a limited life, too.

You or they can send me an email at heather@mindfulchange.com or call me at 613.601.1083, and we’ll set up a 30-minute discovery session that will begin the process of change.

My thought before I leave you…

“It’s not the events of our lives that shape us, but our beliefs as to
what those events mean.”

~Tony Robbins

See you next time!