Life is Like a Bank Account

Life is Like a Bank Account

I don’t know who wrote the story below but it touched my heart because it speaks to everything I know about life. Every day I see the power of our decisions. I encourage my clients to make conscious decisions to be happy, and to eliminate subconscious patterns that...
What is Love?

What is Love?

Have you ever misunderstood someone? Have you ever reacted to something another person said or did? Have you ever judged another person before checking out whether you actually knew the truth? This week’s mindfulness tip is about the necessity to NOT react....
Three Ways to Become More Self Aware

Three Ways to Become More Self Aware

Most people I know are on some type of journey to become more self aware. They seek to understand and evolve their personal behavior in some way and are often looking for guidance on how to do this. I have put together a list of three: Always operate from the...