Speaking – old

Heather Elliott is an international speaker in the area of mindset, self-awareness and human potential.
Her modern age philosophies empower others to embody transformation, truth and inner freedom.

Heather shares her knowledge and wisdom through her writings, coaching and speaking on the stages of the world. She’s a master at expressing a deep and profound message and delivering it with absolute simplicity and clarity that anyone can relate to.

What Sets Her Apart

Since 2005 she has used the Mindful Change technique to help over 1000 people uncover and permanently transform all manner of limiting mindset and emotional patterns that hold them back personally and professionally.

She has done so with a greater than 98% success rate!

This journey has been a labor of love. Understanding how the MIND forms and how it works are the questions that have driven her work with clients and the passion that gives meaning to her life.

Helping others to transform themselves and their world – by changing only their mind – has shown her the keys to the kingdom of life by revealing the truth: life is the illusion and our minds are reality.

She now uses the knowledge she has acquired throughout her life’s journey to inspire, teach and raise awareness in the audiences of modern age thinkers.

Her focus is to educate people about who they are and how life works. She empowers people by teaching them simple principles they can use in their everyday lives to function as a creator of their world. She makes clear the TRUTH about who we are and how to create personal transformation.

A master with a deep and profound message, she delivers her knowledge through simple and clear messages and imagery.


  • Same Sh*t Different Day
  • Critical Mindset Strategies for Awakened Entrepreneurs
  • Your Mind as a Filmscript; Your Life as Reality TV
  • The Truth About Relationships
  • Choose Love Over Fear

Heather Elliottt

If you’d like Heather to Speak to your audience, please get in touch by emailing
heather@mindfulchange.com or calling 613-601-1083



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