Create Lasting Results In Business And Life

Access the call recording here.

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Join our coaching group here:

As a continuation of our series, we’d also like to extend an invite to our women in business mastermind/group call on May 26th, at 12 pm EST.

This is a private, intimate call, where we share tools to overcome very specific business challenges, whether it’s an emotional or physical.

Such as…

  • You’ve toiled for months or even years, and the results you’re getting are not significant as you’d like.
  • Others are doing the same thing as you and getting better results.
  • You feel distracted, un-focused and overwhelmed by the amount of info you’re getting.
  • Something feels off with all this ‘coaching,’ ‘program chasing’ and self-development, and you’re not quite sure what it is…
  • And more…

Join us on May 26th at 12pm EST using the details below:

Listen from anywhere in the world!

Title: Create Lasting Results In Business & Life Part 2
Time: Tuesday, May 26th at 12:00pm Eastern
Listening method: Phone + Web Simulcast

To attend, visit:

Phone Number: (425) 440-5100
Pin Code: 320364#

Please complete the following homework before the call so we have a chance to discuss during the training:

  1. Where are you being inauthentic in your business or with clients?

    Do you say things you don’t fully live?

    Do you try and teach things you don’t know much about?

    Are you telling clients to charge more but you still want to charge more yourself?

    List the ways in which you’re being inauthentic in your business. Another way to look at it…where are you not in the flow of yourself – your true self?

  2. Examine your close relationships – where are the problems? Who bugs you? Who can you not stand?

    Look in the mirror of yourself and find those things inside of yourself. How will you make peace with them?

    Try to understand them – have compassion and understanding for them, because in doing that you stop judging yourself. And life gets better – you become more authentic.

  3. What do you feel really good about – in terms of yourself as a person, or in terms of your business? Be crystal clear about these things makes you way more authentic when you approach prospective buyers, clients, prospects.